WELCOME ! - Horse Nutrition Project


Finally, there it is!

These long months of confinement have made us fully aware that the welfare of horses remains at the center of the concerns of owners, riders and breeders regardless of the difficult conditions they go through. Indeed, never have we encountered such enthusiasm for our products as in recent months.

Faced with this ever growing and increasingly geographically extended demand, it was time for HORSE NUTRITION PROJECT to equip itself with a digital and logistical tool that can both respond effectively to your requests for information and share it with you. the field experiences of our customers but also allow easy, economical and rapid access to our range of products.

The health and well-being of your horses are our priority and we wish to share more widely our skills and our experience acquired in recent years in the field of equine nutrition. We want to create a real community around these values and this will not happen without you, whether you are individuals or professionals. Together, let’s create this enlightened community at the service of the well-being of horses.

It’s time to apply the well-known adage to equine nutrition: Mens sana in corpore sano.

  Dr Natacha Frankinet-Duquesnoy


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